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Summer Solstice Poetry Shabbat Services with Rabbi Cari and Beth: In-person and online. Oneg sponsored by the Walker/Gilmore family.

Friday, June 21, 2024 15 Sivan 5784

7:30 PM - 9:00 PMTemple Shir Tikvah and online

Shabbat Service with Rabbi Cari and Beth, in-person and online. Oneg sponsored in honor of Oren Walker Gilmore's bar mitzvah. In-person attendees should sign up below before 24 hours in advance of service. Attendance may be limited depending on the Covid-19 situation. Watch the service on our Facebook page, YouTube channel, website home page, or join the Zoom meeting (link is sent to Temple members and friends). Please email Mi Shebeirach and Yahrzeit observances to Beth by 12 noon Friday.

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