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Tisha b'Av Service online with Lev DePaolo

Monday, August 12, 2024 8 Av 5784

8:00 PM - 9:00 PMOnline

Led by Lev DePaolo. Tisha b’Av, the ninth day of the month of Av, commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem, along with other devastating moments in Jewish history. This is our communal time to gather in response to the brokenness in our history and to the brokenness in our world today. Tisha b’Av comes seven weeks before Rosh Hashanah and it is from this low point that we begin the spiritual rise into the Days of Awe. 

We invite you to contribute to the service liturgy by responding to as many of the following prompts as you wish. You can email your contributions to levdepaolo@shir-tikvah.org:

I mourn…
I miss…
I cry out for…
I fear…
I pray…
I am hopeful…
Turn and listen…

Watch the service on our Facebook pageYouTube channel, website home page, or join the Zoom meeting (link is sent to Temple members and friends).

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