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WARM: Circle of Hope Dignity Kit Assembly

Sunday, March 16, 2025 16 Adar 5785

9:30 AM - 11:15 AM
Sign up below to assemble kits.
Sign up here to bring items. 

Join in collecting needed items and assembling 50 Dignity Kits for Women for distribution through Circle of Hope. You can help in these ways:

1. Come to Ambrose on 3/16 to assemble Dignity Kits. 
2. Bring to Ambrose items you signed up here to bring on 3/16 and stay to pack Dignity Kits. 
3. Drop off items you signed up here to bring at Ambrose on 3/16.
4. Arrange early drop-off of items you signed up here to bring with Anne Orens or Peggy Shukur (more contact information below).

To ensure we have the right quantity of the needed items to make our goal of 50 kits, indicate your contributions by signing up on the SignUpGenius form. The form includes suggested vendors for needed items.

Questions? Contact: 
Anne Orens: 617-721-0662; anneorens@shir-tikvah.org
Peggy Shukur: 781-956-2569; peggyshukur@shir-tikvah.org




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Sat, March 15 2025 15 Adar 5785