Madrichim Information
Madrichim Application
Download the application here.
Madrichim Job Description
Here is a general job description of the role of Madrichim (plural) in the classroom. You may be asked to do some or all of these tasks by your classroom teacher, depending on the needs of your classroom setting. Feel free to let your teacher know that you are ready and able to do all of these items or to ask for support as you take on a task that is less familiar to you. Teachers will appreciate your willingness to take the initiative to help out! Remember: The word Madrich/a means “guide”. You are a guide and role model for our young students so your active involvement and participation in all activities sends the message that what they are learning and doing in Religious School is important.
Madrichim in training (MIT)
All Madrichim are expected to volunteer for at least one year as Madrichim in Training. During this time they are volunteers and will receive training in a number of areas. Upon recommendation of teacher(s), MITs may progress to the level of Madrichim the next year.
Madrichim (open to 10th grade and above)
After volunteering for at least one year, and upon teacher(s) and education director recommendation, an MIT can graduate to the position of Madrichim. Madrichim will be paid minimum wage for their time. Madrichim will continue to receive training throughout the year.
Student teacher (open to 12th graders)
After serving as a MIT for at least one year, a Madrichim for at least two years, and upon teacher(s) recommendation, Madrichim may advance to the level of student teacher in their final year or two. They will help with training new Madrichim in trainings and Madrichim in addition to their classroom responsibilities.
Hebrew tutor
Students may be asked to work as a one on one or small group Hebrew tutor. Hebrew proficiency is required.
EJL Madrichim
The EJL Madrichim will work from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on EJL Sundays (one Sunday a month), helping the teachers with set up and clean up. EJL Madrichim will be paid for three hours.
Grades 1-3 Madrichim
Students who would prefer working with younger children should request this option. Students in grades 2-3 will be learning letters, vowels and simple works so some Hebrew knowledge is necessary.
Grades 4-6 Madrichim
Students working in grades 4-6 must have Hebrew proficiency and enjoy working with
older children. You may have duties in the following areas:
- Classroom set up and clean-up
- Distributing books and materials
- Preparing materials for upcoming activities
- Checking student work
- Setting up and clearing away snacks
- Assisting with Interactive responsibilities
- Greeting students as they enter the class
- Helping students with projects
- Assisting students with class work
- Leading small-group activities
- Assisting with transitions between activities
- Reading stories to the class
- Planning and teaching mini-lessons with the teacher
- Helping students who need extra help
- Mentoring students who have difficulty focusing during class
- Assisting with Creative responsibilities:
- Helping with bulletin boards
- Making samples of upcoming art projects
- Leading class skits
- Writing a newsletter article for parents
- Actively participating in musical activities
Please let your teacher and Bailee know if you need to miss a day. We ask that all Madrichim who commit to this program be available for at least 80% of Sundays. Also, please remember to keep your cell phone off and away during class time except when taking notes or preparing a weekly update on your phone.
Feel free to ask questions and keep open lines of communication with your collaborating teacher and with Bailee. And let us know immediately if any problems arise!
Bailee Star
Wed, February 5 2025
7 Sh'vat 5785
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