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Classes & One-time Events

Women Making Trouble: Honoring Our Biblical Mothers during Women’s History Month: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87419821440?pwd=AbwIWpHaJQj47NEQckV0ndsSoYahwA.1 
Wednesdays, March 5, 12, 19 & 26 
Meeting ID: 874 1982 1440, Passcode: 558162

Weekly Events


- TST Meditation (Zoom Mondays) (7:30 pm): https://shir-tikvah.zoom.us/j/84022618190?pwd=R2VCalJ1Z2JZbnRLdDZqZlVxdVo4dz09


- Hebrew Hangouts with Bailee (3:30 pm): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89686646006


- Wednesday Conversations with Rabbi Cari (12 pm): https://zoom.us/j/83993169656
- Hebrew Hangouts with Bailee (4 pm for grades 1-4; 4:30 pm for grades 5-7): https://shir-tikvah.zoom.us/j/89686646006


No recurring events


- The Daily Detail: https://shir-tikvah.zoom.us/j/85773855518?pwd=d3hVa3FITXNVYXFFN3F6VEkrUjhGQT09
- Shabbat Services: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83137982405.
Services will also be available on our Facebook pageYouTube channel, and website home page.


- Torah Study Online (10:30 am): https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86737924219?pwd=UVFrdFdJVVQzek8zV2VvR2N2U1hmUT09 
Meeting ID: 867 3792 4219, Passcode: 317377
- Torah on Tap with Rabbi Cari (4 pm, once monthly - check the calendar): https://zoom.us/j/83993169656


- Morning Book Group (9:45 am, once monthly - check calendar): Email andyoram@shir-tikvah.org
- Poetry Zoom Soiree (3rd Sunday of every month, 7 pm): https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86251014880?pwd=VFM5dHVzNmpBbDI5bll1eXhKcDNVdz09
- Spiritual Daf Yomi Online (7:30 pm): Email aaronboxer@shir-tikvah.org

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785